Hyperledger Private Blockchain Test Automation

Blockchain, the talk of the industry, is foreseen by many of the industry experts that it will do for transaction what the internet did for information. However similar to the internet, the promises made by blockchain can only be possible with assisting technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), all of which is together forming the next generation of the internet for a variety of vertical industry use cases. The blockchain will provide the technology to securely perform and store transactions in a distributed network while others offer their benefits.
New and emerging technologies are increasing the complexity of the testing while budgets and technical resources are tight. Also, growing is the time required to stay abreast of these new technologies. The pressure to pass or even surpass testing for delivering products and solutions fast to beat the slow has never been higher. Worst of all is incurring high costs due to excessive failure found at later stages and even in live deployments. The reduction of the increased risk with quality testing is imperative to be relevant in the market and successful.
To overcome such challenges and to be successful, I created Test as a Service an engagement model that offers ready-to-go test plan with 350+ automated test cases. It covers from unit testing to installation testing, infrastructure testing, business network, and application testing, and performance benchmarking testing. With my solution, the private Hyperledger blockchain companies building product and solution can benefit from delivering high quality and high-performance product to their customer.
Thanks to Testoper! If you are interested to know more about my solution, view the blockchain playlist at here.
And, if you are interested to know more to buy, read the Hyperledger blockchain brochure at here.

Multi-Access (Mobile) Edge Computing Test Automation

Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC), also described as Mobile Edge Computing is an industry innovation that improves the performance and intelligence of the software applications that deliver services such as Internet-of-Things (IoT) to end customers. The improved ultra-low latency and high bandwidth performance are made possible by deploying applications in the data center at the edge of the network closer to the customer. The enhanced intelligence is by real-time access to radio network information that can be leveraged by applications.

To achieve the promises made by MEC technology the edge data center should support MEC framework and deployments as defined by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) in standard specification ETSI GS MEC 003 V1.1.1 (2016-03). In summary, the implementation minimum requires the MEC platform that hosts and manages MEC applications on an NFVI infrastructure.

The next generation technology such as MEC requires protocols to communicate between Antenna (e.g.) eNodeb, MEC platform, MEC applications, NFVI, and management entities. The connectivity between these entities is called ‘Reference Points.” ETSI defines the API, data model, and data format in the specification for these reference points. The companies who bring MEC compliant products and applications to the market must comply with this specification to work in a multi-vendor deployment.

These companies spend a considerable amount of dollars on developing a conformance test plan and test cases to test these API with commercial test tools. The testers spend a lot of time preparing the manual and automation conformance test cases that must validate the API requests and handling response, the attribute name correctness, its data type definition, cardinality, and the associated values the attribute store as defined by ETSI.

To enable faster time to market and to improve their return on investment (ROI), I created an automated solution that provides tens and hundreds of ready-to-go clientside API and server-side API conformance test cases. Not only that but also I created a solution that takes input API definition file such as YAML and automatically creates tens and hundreds of test cases. As a result, testers do not have to track changes of new feature additions and add test cases manually which is error-prone. They can input the latest or modified YAML files, and the test cases will be automatically created for them.

Thanks to Testoper! If you are interested to know more about my solution, view the MEC playlist at here.

And, if you are interested to know more to buy, read the MEC brochure at here.